Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Innocense / Be Careful What You Say

It is amazing how busy you can be.  Busy is good and new projects are on the horizon and another big one that has been taken up my time is starting to really come together.  Busy with work sometimes leaves the ones you love behind.  And that is not right.  Lack of priorities.

So this past weekend I made sure there was good family time and would like to share a conversation I had with my 9 year old daughter.  As we all know, as you get older you learn a lot and mostly stuff that isn't good for you.  I value the time with my daughter and tether to every word she says.

With fall in the air, the leaves are piling up, chicken stews are happening and occasionally you may get to go on a hayride.  Well, the other day we had an opportunity to go on one and my daughter was not interested.  I asked why?  She responded, "I'm afraid because I may be stuck by a needle."

True story.  So, realize little ears take everything you say or do very literally.

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